Welcome to Chichay's Kitchen!

Welcome to Chichay's Kitchen!

Here you'll find recipes, healthy food ideas and photos from Chichay, a "green" housewife who loves baking and cooking healthy versions of delicious dishes for her husband, and who also enjoys trying new food from all over the world!
Please send your comments and/or suggestions to:
chichay@chichayskitchen.com or follow us on facebook!

Tuesday, February 19, 2008



Want a twist to your "Turkey Meat and Peas" dish from yesterday? It's an excellent filling for Shepherd's Pie!

In this recipe here, I used mashed sweet potatoes, but you can use the regular mashed potatoes intead, if you prefer that. Just omit the banana from the ingredients. I just enjoy the taste of the mashed sweet potatoes... I can eat it as a dessert by itself - just top it with honey or powdered sugar...love it!. Haha!
If you will use the sweet potatoes, I suggest you add something salty and crunchy on top to finish your Shepherd's Pie...like bacon bits, and maybe some parmesan cheese too! The Parmesan cheese and/or the bacon bits will neutralize the sweetness of the sweet potato and banana combination, and at the same time will add texture to the dish. Just remember, use these additional toppings AFTER the dish has been heated in the oven, only upon serving it.




What You Need:

  • Prepared "Turkey Meat and Peas" (see previously posted recipe)
  • Salt and freshly ground black pepper
  • 2 1/2 pounds sweet potatoes, boiled, peeled and cubed
  • 4 tablespoons butter, divided
  • 1 very ripe banana
  • 1 tsp hot sauce
  • 2 cups shredded sharp yellow Cheddar
  • bacon bits(optional)
  • grated parmesan cheese (optional)


Ready the "Turkey Meat and Peas" in a baking dish.

Preheat oven to 425 degrees F.

How To:

In a heated pot, add the butter and melt over medium heat.

Peel and slice banana and add this and the potatoes to the pot.

Season with salt and pepper and hot sauce.

Mash the potatoes and banana to combine, add seasoning.

Top the "Turkey (or Chicken) and Peas" with the potatoes and banana

Cover the potatoes with the sharp cheese.Bake in the oven to melt cheese, for about 3- minutes.

Optional: Before serving, top the dish with bacon bits and grated
parmesan cheese.

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