Welcome to Chichay's Kitchen!

Welcome to Chichay's Kitchen!

Here you'll find recipes, healthy food ideas and photos from Chichay, a "green" housewife who loves baking and cooking healthy versions of delicious dishes for her husband, and who also enjoys trying new food from all over the world!
Please send your comments and/or suggestions to:
chichay@chichayskitchen.com or follow us on facebook!

Monday, February 25, 2008


Since I get a lot of requests for seafood/fish recipes, I have another suggestion here for 'tilapia', which is very much available in the market -anytime of the year.
Sometimes I crave for crispy- fried tilapia, with a side of salsa and maybe even just kalamansi and patis!
But, it can also get kinda boring having that same old fried fish with my rice.
So I thought of adding a new flavor to the plain tilapia - and this time, why not adobo-style? It goes really well with the left over papaya salad (which is now pickled-papaya) I made days ago!
If fillet is to be used for this dish, then make sure you handle it well after the fish has been marinated, because it becomes really tender, and has a tendency to break and lose its form while you cook it.
[CHICHAY TIP: If you do not want your fish to stick to the pan and break its form, then I suggest dip it in a little bit of seasoned (salt and pepper) flour before you cook it.
Or, just place the fish in a baking dish (sprayed with Pam oil) and stick it in the oven and either broil it or bake it.]

What You Need:
  • 2 pcs tilapia fillets (or 1 whole medium tilapia, cleaned)
  • 6 cloves of garlic, minced
  • 1 small shallot, minced
  • 2 tbsp white vinegar
  • 3 tbsp low sodium soy sauce
  • 1 tbsp water
  • 1/2 tsp salt
  • 1/2 tsp pepper
  • 2 pcs bayleaf
  • 2 tbsp olive oil
  • 1 tsp cornstarch (dissolved in 2 tbsp warm water)
-In a baking dish, mix together vinegar, soy sauce, salt, pepper, half of the garlic and bayleaf.
-Add in the fish, and turn to coat the ther other side.
-Cover and refrigerate for at least half an hour.
How To:
-Strain the marinade from the fish, and set aside the marinade, and reserve for later.
-In a heated saute pan with oil, cook the fillets for about 1-2 minutes per side. If you are using whole fish, completely cook it, for about 3-5 minutes per side.
-Remove from heat and transfer to a dish, set aside.
-In the same pan, saute the garlic and shallots until soft (not burnt)
-Add in the reserved marinade plus 1 tbsp water (DO NOT STIR from this point until it simmers) and let simmer for 2-3 minutes.
-Stir in the cornstarch mix, let thicken, for about 2 more minutes.
-If you are using tilapia fillets, simply pour the cooked adobo sauce over the fillets and serve.
-If you are using whole fish, then keep the sauce in the pan, and add the fish to the sauce, and let simmer for another 2 minutes, turning once.
[CHICHAY TIP: make sure you take the bayleaf out from the sauce before you serve the dish. The bayleaf is used for flavoring the marinade/sauce.]
-This is best served with "achara"(Papaya Salad) and plain white rice.

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