Welcome to Chichay's Kitchen!

Welcome to Chichay's Kitchen!

Here you'll find recipes, healthy food ideas and photos from Chichay, a "green" housewife who loves baking and cooking healthy versions of delicious dishes for her husband, and who also enjoys trying new food from all over the world!
Please send your comments and/or suggestions to:
chichay@chichayskitchen.com or follow us on facebook!

Monday, March 24, 2008

"SINIGANG NA BABOY (Pork in Tamarind Broth)"

It is easy to make "Sinigang Na Baboy", especially now that "instant sinigang mix" in packets are readily available in stores everywhere.

But since this sinigang mix has a lot of sodium (and even has MSG), I like making my own sinigang base broth. I sometimes try using different kinds of "paasim" for the sour broth, like lemon juice, kalamansi juice, green mangoes, and even "kamias".

But of course for the authentic "sinigang" we have to use tamarind for the broth!

It is easy to prepare the tamarind broth, but it is not easy to find good unripe tamarind fruit in the market around here. I suggest you take advantage whenever you see good tamarind fruits, buy a lot of it, and prepare extra broth for freezing/for future use

"SINIGANG NA BABOY (Pork in Tamarind Broth)"


Make your TAMARIND BROTH (as sinigang base)

What You Need:

1/2 lb plump, firm, unblemished, UNRIPE sampaloc (tamarind) fruit

5 cups water

How To:
-Remove any leaves or stems from the tamarind, and wash them thoroughly.
-Place in a pot with water over medium heat
-Bring to a boil, and cook for about half an hour, or until all the tamarind pods are (very) soft, and turn off the heat.
-To get the final tamarind broth as sinigang base, mash the tamarind pods through a sieve (use some of the liquid to help the pulp and juices through the sieve).
-Discard the solids (all the seed, fibers and skin bits)
-Strain the broth again to make sure there are no more bits left in it.
-The final broth should be cloudy, tart and intensely flavorful.
-This is your broth base for the sinigang soup.
[CHICHAY TIP: You may make double batches of this sampaloc broth and refrigerate or freeze it for future use!]


What You Need:

  • 1 1/2 lbs of pork ribs (cut into large pieces)

  • 1/4 lb pork (liempo) cubes

  • 1 1/2 cups prepared TAMARIND BROTH, plus more if desired

  • 6 cups of water (or use "hugas-bigas" if available)

  • 1 large tomato (or 2 medium-sized), quartered

  • 1 medium-sized onion, quartered

  • 1 medium-sized radish, sliced

  • 2 medium-sized eggplant, cut in crosswise, each 1 1/2 length)

  • 1 bunch "sitaw" (long beans)

  • 2 cups "kangkong" (water spinach)leaves

  • 1 cup "kangkong" stems

  • 8 pcs of okra, stems trimmed

  • 2 small pieces of gabi (taro root)peeled, chopped

  • 2 pcs "sili pansigang" (long light green chilli)

  • patis

  • salt

  • ground white pepper

How To:

-Wash the pork ribs and cubes, and set in a colander to drain.

-Heat up a large heavy casserole and throw the pork in to sear it a bit.

-Stir occasionally until all sides are seared.

-Add the water (or "hugas-bigas", if using), the TAMARIND BROTH, tomatoes and onions.
-Cover and let this simmer for about an hour, or until the pork is nice and tender. -Skim the fat off the soup.
-Add the radish, eggplant, sitaw, kangkong stems, okra and patis
-Cover and cook this for a few minutes until the vegetables are softened.
-Next, taste the soup, and adjust the seasoning and sourness by adding salt and ground pepper, and/or by adding some more of the prepared TAMARIND BROTH, if you want it more sour.
-Add kangkong leaves and the chilli on top of your sinigang soup and cover.
-And after a minute or so, turn off the heat.
-Pick the chilli from the pot, and place in a saucer with some patis.
-Serve the sinigang with white rice and the patis/chilli on the side.
-You can serve individuals with extra sinigang soup in cups.

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