Welcome to Chichay's Kitchen!

Welcome to Chichay's Kitchen!

Here you'll find recipes, healthy food ideas and photos from Chichay, a "green" housewife who loves baking and cooking healthy versions of delicious dishes for her husband, and who also enjoys trying new food from all over the world!
Please send your comments and/or suggestions to:
chichay@chichayskitchen.com or follow us on facebook!

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Chichay's Update for Fall 2012

Hello to you, Chichay's Kitchen friends!:) I hope that you are enjoying the rest of the summer.
We do have scheduled cakes and pastries projects for the rest of the year, and I am just excited to provide the requested designs and flavors of pastries and cakes to our loyal clients!
Just an update about Chef Chichay's fall schedule:
On top of my classes and baking/pastry lab work, I will continue to help my instructor and chef mentor, Chef Pierre as his assistant in his pastry and chocolate classes. I find it enjoyable to help in the baking and chocolate classes, not just by preparing and baking pastries, but also by sharing ideas and tips to the students about the different baking coursework they need to do. I feel happy when I see students in pastry classes that have the the same passion in baking as I have and to hear them tell me how much they enjoy learning about cakes and chocolate!
Let us all enjoy the rest of the summer season and have a cooler transition to fall.
Take care and enjoy!
- Chichay

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Updates in 2012 - Chichay as a baker and pastry artist now...

Hello everyone!
As you have already read previously, I am almost finished with my baking and pastry schooling as well as my apprenticeship/work experience requirements. As soon as I am done with my required coursework, I will concentrate on setting up my online store, and finally could accept regular orders from my loyal customers.:)
The past week was a busy but fun one as I got to spend time volunteering during the World Pastry Championship at the same time was able to attend classes during the World Pastry Forum.
Witnessing the competition live was an unforgettable experience, but I should say that another valuable memory of the week was meeting experts who are truly inspiring since they are passionate about pastry and baking.
Along with the wonderful experience was the enlightening realization that I got from meeting new friends and possible future business partners or employers.
I am hoping that the future will be as bright as I feel it would be.
Thank you for being patient and for continually following my blogspot.
For samples of my pastries and cake artistry work, please check out www.chichayskitchen.com which is still not completely filled, but at least has more than enough photos to show you a few of my latest works.
Till next time!